
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chapter 9-11 Ender Game Questions

Chapter 9 – Locke and Demosthenes
1)Peter has always been evil and violent and Valentine is nice and knows what the respectable thing to is. Valentine is trying to make sure Ender never becomes like peter, or anybody really.   Peter is manipulating Valentine because he’s forcing her to write things even though she doesn’t believe in what she is writing. I think that Valentine feels bad for helping Peter control the others.To me Valentine has the power, but she doesn’t quite know it yet.  I think of it like in middle school you're judged upon how popular you are, but what really matters is how smart you are.

Locke was commonly known as the father of Classical Liberalism. So Locke relates to Peter because Peter is liberal. Demosthenes relates to Valentine because Demosthenes stands up for what he believes in and so does Valentine.

3) Ender was angry because he didn’t want to be like Peter, but now he’s angry because he’s homesick.  He’s tired of battle school and how the teachers their control him.  He was mad at Graff, but Valentine made him feel better.

Chapter 10 – Dragon
1)Ender is a strict leader.  His expectations are high for the soldiers, so he expects them to be in the best shape.  Ender is a good leader because he was able to take all the good features of the people who were around him, like his old commanders.  Ender did have a soft side for Bean because he has sympathy towards him though.

2)  Ender told his soldiers that Bean was the best and that they all should be like him.  Almost like how Graff appointed Ender as the best.  What this does is gives Beans the soldiers attention so the soldiers learn about what Bean is doing and Bean gets a little bit more respect.  This also forces Bean to be what Ender said he was because then it would make Ender look bad if Bean wasn’t good.  

3) Salaam means peace. Alai said that Salaam means "peace." I think Alai has a connection with this word because at battle school there were so many different types of people their.  What I mean by that is their were all of people with different religions and that didn’t separate the people because their agreement on taking care of the buggers was all that mattered.

4) Ender had to work with a brand new army with completely new faces. Major Anderson said that he wasn't allowed to practice with Shen and Alai anymore. The teachers and Graff wanted to see how Ender reacted.  It’s all still a test to see whether Ender is capable of leading these armies.  I feel like maybe Graff doesn’t want Ender to make any strong connections with his friends.  Maybe it’s because he doesn’t want Ender to be sad if one of them dies in combat.  Even though Ender isn’t to thrilled about the change he still is teaching his new army.

Chapter 11 – Veni Vidi Vici
1)The computer scans the actions Ender makes in the game and relates it to his past when he had a moniter. So the computer knows that Ender had problems with his brother becuase of his moniter.  I don’t think the computer knows Ender because it can’t relate to him.  You don’t really know sombody unless you understand their pain.  The computer sees it, but it doesn’t feel it.

2) Ender feels as though he can’t lose a game because he has to live up to what he people say he is.  If he wins a game it’s not a super big deal and people forget about it, but if he loses everybody will remember it and hold it against  him.  

3)Even though Ender might not fully understand it now , but I think it’s good that the teachers are making battle school so hard for Ender.  They know Ender has a lot of potential and they need him to reach it if they want to win. Especially Graff.  I think Graff is actually really scared to lose to the buggers and Ender is like a blessing to him. Ender will thank them later.

4)The last two sentences of the chapter explains how Beans idea weren’t very educated.  And that was almost the point because Ender told him to think of wacky ideas.  It makes a lot of sense because nobody would expect such stupid idea.  Most armies train for the basic and common procedures, but when you change it up to something totally unexpected other won’t know how to react.  Bean is on the rise to becoming very good and Ender knows it and tries to make him feel needed.

5)The army started weak.  Then the army learned. They struggled but they got over that hump and got their first W.  Now they are winning every battle game and beat all the armies.  This quote relates to progress and that exactly what Ender’s army did.  So this is definitely a good title for this chapter.