
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My Learning Styles

Is lying is justifiable for the greater or good?
I Strongly agree with this because sometimes the truth hurts.  You can't tell your friend that she looks ugly when she asks.  Telling her she's ugly will only create more problems.  If the government told the people everything they new riots and protest could start and potentially kill some people.

Is violence sometimes the only way to solve problems? 
I sorta agree with this because if a nation wants to stop communism telling the communist to stop won't cut it. Money has a lot of power in this world and if you have enough money you can solve anything.  If your smart you can figure out a bully's weakness and when you find out that there most prized possession is there action figure you can get a hold of it and threaten to break it if the bully continues to harass you or another person.  

Is it okay to kill someone in self defense?
I sort of disagree because defending your self at limits. I feel like if a robber  comes into your house unarmed you have the right to pepper spray him or knock him out.  If you shoot the robber you just stole his everything away.  You might have dealt with him, but at the same time he probably has innocent family and friends that don't deserve to be unnecessarily saddened something they had nothing to do with.  In a time of war killing might be your only option though because you would be dealing with big things rather than some guy went in you house and tried to steal your microwave.

Are words are stronger than fists
I mostly agree because words stay in your mind forever.  You can hear their voice and think about it all day.  The hurtful words stay in the back of your head forever even when you make peace with the person that verbally harassed you. A fist can hurt you for maybe a few days, but there isn't as much meaning to it.

Do bullies hurt other because they have a low self esteem?

I completely disagree wit the people that say they do.  I think this saying all started because a bully victim's family told him that to make him feel better.  To me a bully bullies another person because they don't agree with how his/her victims lives.  Maybe the bully doesn't like Chris's hair color or maybe Sahara hates the way Andrews voice sounds.

Should Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become a nation's leader?.

I mostly agree that only the smartest should have the power to lead a country.  Millions of people and their emotions rely on those few people in charge.  If a nasty hurricane wipes out the east coast we need a good leader to take care of us till we build up the strength to live on our own again.  If my house and many other gets taken away by a tsunami the government should build and pay for the expenses  This is where out tax money would come into place.

Revenge is never justified

I completely 110% disagree with this.  To some getting revenge is immature and a waste of time, but to me it shows weakness.  Sometimes all the bullies victim needs to do is stand up to him and perhaps get physical   Of course there's a limit to how physical or verbal you should get, but do something to let them know that they can't take advantage of you and walk all over you.

Is crying evidence of weakness?

I don't mostly agree with this.  The reason being is that if someone is bulling you you can't show them was bothers you.  Once they know what bothers you they will continue to do it.  For example, three years ago you accidentally put your pants on backwards and you have been embarrassed about that your entire life. Then when a bully asks you about that and you cry he will get the reaction he wants.  Now he knows how to get the reaction that he strives off of everyday.

Is any action acceptable in war?

I'm half and half on this one.  I don't think war should be offensive in anyway.  Defend what you have and protect your soil, but once you go on different land then you've taken it to far.  Sometimes thats your only option though.  So this is why I'm half and half.  
Any action is acceptable in war.
Do teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control them selves?

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