
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ralf Almost Kept Me From Pursuing My Dream

Almost a year ago my adult friend Ralf asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I told him I wanted to own my own airline company.  He told me that’s a lot harder then I think. I really look up to him so I believed that he was right.  After that I didn't know what I wanted to do for a career.  I looked online to see what jobs are available in the airline business.  I need a job that would have a good enough pay so I could live a little bit more than comfortably.  Being director of corporate development sounded interesting.  I looked at the salary and it was around $160,000 a year. This was good enough for me.  I researched that job a little more.  From my little bit of research I knew it was good enough for me to tell people that that’s what I want to be doing when I’m older.. From then on whenever people asked me what I want to do when I’m older I would just say director of corporate development for Virgin Airlines.  Then they would ask me what exactly a corporate developer does.  After thinking about it over and over again I realized that, that job didn’t seem right for me.  It wasn't big enough.  I want a job that people will know what I’m doing.  Nobody knows what a corporate developer is and everybody knows what a CEO is.  I felt like I couldn’t go back to dreaming about being the owner of my own airlines company after what Ralf had told me.  I didn't want to put so much hard work and money into a dream and not accomplish it.  The idea of failure still roamed around in my head.  Then one morning while in the shower I constructed a plan that would make my dream a little less difficult. I would apply to be  the director of corporate development for  Virgin Airlines.  After some years I would have made and saved enough money to start my own airline company.  I would also have the knowledge to do so as well. After feeling so confident for a few days I started thinking about it everyday, in the shower, at school, and at dinner but then I realized that their was a problem with my plan. I figured  out what was wrong. In order to become director of corporate development for Virgin Airlines you're going to have to work a lot harder than just getting an interview on your first day out of college.  So my next plan I thought about so thoroughly that nothing could go wrong.  While going to college I’ll work as a simple behind the counter dude at the airport in San Francisco. Work like that for a steady four or six years and build enough rep so the managers recognize me as the best behind the counter dude out there.  I’ll keep getting promoted and they will see how capable I am.  Now that I’ve come up with this flawless plan, I’m much more confident that I will accomplish my ultimate dream of owning my own airline company called FLy KAI HIGH.

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